When Customers Want To Buy, Don’t Make It Difficult Or a Mystery

Stores in my area that are part of a national coffee and doughnut chain have this cute little game that they like to play.

They'll take one type of doughnut and label it "Manager's Special".

That's all it says. And in many cases, you have no idea what it is.

Is it plain with just some frosting on top? Or is it filled? If so, is it Boston cream or vanilla cream? Perhaps even Oreo?

So you ask the clerk. Who gets all exasperated and put upon, loudly sighing and acting like it's a big effort to tell you.

Their sour mood then transfers to you. Not exactly a recipe for a successful business transaction.

Do you do the same thing in your business? Perhaps even with your written content?

Like Alec Baldwin said in Glengarry Glen Ross, "A guy don't walk on the lot lest he wants to buy." So don't put roadblocks in their way to discourage them from giving you their money.

Using this actual example, the correct thing would be to have the name of the doughnut displayed, with the additional sign "Manager's Special". Only it's not really a special, as it's the same price as it always is. Shouldn't it instead say "Today's featured doughnut"?

Or even better, "Why haven't you tried me?"

As Baldwin also said, "Always Be Closing."


© 2019 Michael Marrer, Silver Lake Wordsmiths & Marrer Enterprises, Inc.

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